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4 Holiday Foods to Enjoy in Moderation & Maintain a Healthy Smile

December 8, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentondental @ 8:24 pm

The holidays are a great time for gathering with family and enjoying delicious foods that are usually not found around a dinner table at any other time of year. While it’s perfectly normal to indulge in some of your favorite sweets and carb-filled dishes, you’ll want to make sure that you don’t overdo it. To keep your smile from suffering this season, limit your consumption of these four holiday foods.

Red Wine

Enjoying a glass with your main meal is fine but continuing to indulge throughout the evening can put your teeth at risk. Not only does red wine contain tannins that can leave stains on your pearly whites, but it’s also highly acidic and likely to contain sugar.

When consumed in greater quantities, your tooth enamel can begin to break down, resulting in cavities. So instead of finishing off the bottle, switch to water after having a glass, as this will help to flush out any harmful particles that might otherwise damage your smile.

Cranberry Sauce

Is it something that tastes good as a side dish during the holidays? Yes. Is it healthy because it consists of berries? It depends. If opting for fresh cranberries, you can expect to enjoy more of it without much worry. However, since most cranberry sauces contain sugar, you’re putting your teeth at risk for dental decay.

Canned cranberry sauce tends to be the biggest culprit but even if you’re making your own, adding sugar will only leave you looking for an emergency dentist when the holidays are over.

Dried Fruit

If it’s fruit, it must be healthy, right? Wrong! Unfortunately, when these delectable treats pop up, it can be easy to eat them in large amounts, which can result in sticky, chewy substances remaining on teeth.

The chewing surfaces of your molars can trap food particles and bacteria, leading to cavities. If you do not properly brush and floss your teeth, there is a good chance that you could develop cavities that require restorative care.

When eating dried fruit, remember to rinse out your mouth and brush thoroughly to avoid any remaining pieces being left behind.

Candy Canes

There’s nothing that screams the holidays quite like candy canes. Found on gingerbread houses and Christmas trees, they’re passed out nearly everywhere you go. Although they may be tempting, it’s best that you avoid these if at all possible.

The reason is that they are filled with sugar, which can cause cavities. They’re also extremely hard, so you are putting your teeth at risk of serious damage. Candy canes can lead to chipped or cracked teeth that require emergency treatment.

If the idea of spending the holidays with your emergency dentist doesn’t sound like a good idea, make sure to limit your consumption of these four holiday foods this year. In doing so, you’ll maintain a damage-free, healthier smile for the upcoming new year.

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Patients who arrive at Denton Dental Center can expect to receive trustworthy care from a team of highly- skilled dental professionals. Our state-of-the-art dental office is a modern haven for patients needing our help and expertise. Dr. Todd Balington looks forward to continuing to introduce advanced techniques and technologies. Our approach is to personalize each treatment plan based on the needs of our patients. To learn more, contact us at (940) 383-3300.